12022Prodi S1 KeperawatanDR. Herman S.Kep., Ns., MM.The Influence of Service Quality, Service Improvement,
and Prices on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Inpatients at the
Batara Siang Regional General Hospital, Pangkep
This study aims to: (1) Analyze the effect of service quality, service improvement, and price on patient satisfaction at the Batara Siang Regional General Hospital, Pangkep Regency (2) analyze the effect of service
quality, service improvement, and price on patient loyalty at the Regional General Hospital. Batara Siang
Pangkep Regency (3) Analyzing the effect of patient satisfaction on patient loyalty (4) Analyzing the effect of
service quality, and price improvement on patient loyalty through patient satisfaction at the Batara Siang
Regional General Hospital, Pangkep Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach by using primary and
secondary data through a questionnaire of 180 respondents. This research was conducted at the Batara Siang
Regional General Hospital, Pangkep Regency. The data were analyzed using the AMOS SEM program. The
results of this study indicate that: (1) Service Quality, Service Improvement, and Price have a positive and
significant impact on Inpatient Satisfaction at Batara Siang General Hospital, Pangkep Regency. (2) Service
quality has a positive and insignificant effect on the loyalty of inpatients at the Batara Siang General Hospital,
Pangkep Regency. (3) Service and price improvements have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of
inpatients at the Batara Siang General Hospital, Pangkep Regency. (4) Patient satisfaction has a positive and
significant effect on the loyalty of Inpatients at Batara Siang General Hospital, Pangkep Regency (5) Service
quality has a positive and insignificant effect on the loyalty of Inpatients at Batara Siang General Hospital,
Pangkep Regency through patient satisfaction ( 6) Service improvement has a positive and significant effect on
the loyalty of Inpatients at Batara Siang General Hospital, Pangkep Regency through patient satisfaction (7)
Price has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of Inpatients at Batara Siang General Hospital,
Pangkep Regency through patient satisfaction. This shows that the price can increase patient loyalty through
patient satisfaction.
Keywords: Internal Control; Apparatus Competence; Internal monitoring
22021Prodi S1 KeperawatanDR. Herman S.Kep., Ns., MM.Differences in the delivery of the corner in a baby who was bathed in warm water
with a baby whipped in a wet tool at batara siang hospital of Pangkep District
WHO (2000), recommends umbilical cord care based on aseptic and dry principles and no longer
recommended to use alcohol but with open care. The umbilical cord should also not be tightly closed
with anything, because it will make it moist. In addition to slowing the release of the umbilical cord, it
also poses a risk of infection. Even if you have to close. according to Taylor (2003, dalam Nopriyarti,
2013) cover or tie loosely at the top of the umbilical cord with sterile gauze. The research used quasiexperimental research. The design of this study used the Experimental Design- Equivalent Time
Sample method, which is a quasi-experimental design by treating the experimental group (X1), namely
taking a warm bath and the control group (X0), which was wiped with a wet towel, alternately with
random determination (Suharsaputra, 2012). The mandatory output in this research is publishing
international journals, while the additional output is publishing national journals it can be seen that the
average length of umbilical cord detachment of infants who were bathed in warm water (experimental
group) was 110.8 hours, while the average length of time to release the umbilical cord of infants who
were wiped with a wet towel (control group) was 76.9 hours or 6.6 days. The average difference
between the two groups is 24,72 hours. The results of the statistical test obtained a P-value (<0.001),
meaning that at alpha 5% there was a significant difference in the average length of umbilical cord
detachment between babies who were wiped with a wet towel, which was 2.01 days and babies who
were bathed in warm water, which was 4,01 day. So that the treatment of babies who are wiped with a
wet towel is more effective and the umbilical cord is removed faster than the care of babies who are
bathed in warm water. There was a significant difference between the In umbilical cord care, there was
a significant difference in the average length of umbilical cord detachment between babies who were
wiped with a wet towel and babies who were bathed in warm water
32022Prodi S1 Kesehatan MasyarakatAndi Nailah Amirullah , SKM., M.Kes.Host Determinants on Death of Covid-19 Patients
The 2019 corona virus infection (COVID-19) pandemic is a problem that
is being faced in more than 200 countries in the world. The number of
deaths from COVID-19 also increased to 33,673 in the world. The
number of positive cases of COVID-19 worldwide has reached
1,936,700 people. Comorbid hypertension and diabetes mellitus, male
gender, and active smoking are risk factors for SARS-Cov-2 infection.
The purpose of this study was to determine the host determinants (age,
sex and comorbidities) in the death of Covid-19 patients in the hospital.
Wahidin Sudirohusoso, Makassar City. This study uses a quantitative
approach with a case control research design using secondary data
sources from medical record data. Data analysis was carried out by
univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The population in this
study were all Covid-19 patients diagnosed and receiving treatment at
RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. The minimum required sample size for each case-control group is 68, with a ratio of 1:1. The results of the
OR calculation showed that respondents aged 46 years had 5,958 times
more deaths due to Covid-19 compared to the age group <46 years (95%
CI 2,817-12,6042,817-12,604). The results of the Chi Square test show
that there is no significant relationship between gender and the death of
Covid-19 patients (P Value 0.195), so that respondents with male sex do
not necessarily experience death from Covid-19 compared to female sex.
The results of the OR calculation show that respondents who have
comorbidities are 38,400 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than
respondents who do not have comorbidities (95% CI 38,400 (12,319-
119,694)). The variable that was significantly related to the death of
Covid-19 patients was comorbidity with an OR of 3.648, meaning that
Covid-19 patients with comorbidities had 3. There is a significant
relationship between age and comorbidities with the death of Covid-19
patients and there is no significant relationship between gender and the
death of Covid-19 patients. The results of the multivariate analysis
showed that the variable that was significantly related to the death of
Covid-19 patients was comorbid with an OR of 3.648. The active role of
health workers is to carry out the socialization of Covid-19 prevention,
so that it is hoped that the community will be able to take preventive
measures and can reduce the death rate due to Covid-19
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